Equi-trek "Sonic" for 4-5 horses (2 trucks)
Horsetruck Equi-Trek «Sonic» for 4-5 horses.
Horsetruck "Sonic" is one of last achievements in the field of horsetruck building. Constructed on the veryreliable chassis Peugeot, "Sonic" answers the international standardsand requirements in the field of international horse transportation.
The main advantage of it horsetruck is its weight category. All its design is executed so that not to exceed a lump in 3500 kg., thereby it is a category "B" vehicle and it is not required with the special admission for entrance to city centre, at a trip across Europe it can move on all highways with as much as possible resolved speed for cars, thereby strongly reducing time of stay of a horse in horsetruck during distant trips. Besides presence of a considerable quantity of additional compartments for storage of various ammunition, fodder, additional subjects and a support room it do its irreplaceable and at one-day departures on competitions.
Horsetruck is equipped by all necessary both for a horse, and for the accompanying person:
- The air conditioner;
- A special antishock covering of the floor for heavy road conditions;
- The racks finished with soft pillows with the changeable size ;
- A feeding trough;
- The holder for hay;
-Compulsory ventilation in a horse compartment for work during hot time;
- An antisliding covering of a gangway;
- A dividerfor the head (that allows to carry horses different both on temperament, and on the sex);
- An infra-red tracking camera for horses;
- 4 ventilating windows;
- The warmed walls for work in the countries with a frigid climate;
- Illumination;
- Pass to horses from a support room;
- Big tackroom with the holder for saddles and possibility of comfortable storage of fodder;
- The big branch for storage of body cloths and additional ammunition;
- A special suspension bracket for work in bad road conditions;
- A room of support with clothes;
- Possibility of to transport sulkies;
- Unique system of transportation of 5 horses on the "B" category car (system3+2).
+7 (916) 628-18-23 e-mail: info@horsetransport.ru
10.10.2011«Спасибо Евгению и Алексею»
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