The «Rudnev TEAM» company is founded by horsemans, skilled experts on the field of horse transportation, possessors on innumerous awards and records.
At the present horse transportation with application of individual approach is the basic specialization of the company.
We transport the horses on a specially designed horsetrucks. Each trip is done by the control of professional support team.
Due to these we can assure you that your horses will be transported to the place of destination at the proper time with maximum comfort and care.
Due to innovational system of GPS tracking you can always get information about the horse’s trip on-line.
Transporting a horse is not the same as transporting a usual load. Horse transportation is a huge responsibility as while the transportation horses have stress. And our task is to reduce the influence of such annoying factors as: noise, vibration, light, smell and temperature.
Transporting a horse is the work that we can do very well. All services are at a very high level, and at the same time our prices will pleasantly surprise you.
Having entrusted transportation of a horse to us, you will certainly decide to take advantage of our services again.
+7 (916) 628-18-23 e-mail:
02.08.2008«Женя, огромное спасибо за перевозку. Всё очень понравилось, очень профессионально...»
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