In our company based by professionals, we accurately realize that the prices on horse transportation should be adequate, and services of high-quality. For this reason in our company we have developed very flexible system of fee on transportation of horses which considers all factors and features of your trip.
You pay only for those kilometers, which are passed by your horses.
Road to a place of loading and a way back (if it is made without horses) – free of charge*. And having taken advantage of our services once you always can take an advantage of our flexible system of discounts.
Name of the truck | Number of horses | Price |
2 | Price per kilometer one way trip (Russia) – 50 rubles. | |
Прицеп Space Paradise | 3-4 | Price per kilometer one way trip (Russia) – 45 rubles. Price per kilometer two ways trip (Russia) – 35 rubles. Price per kilometer one way trip (Europe) – 1,7 euro. Price per kilometer two ways trip (Europe) – 1,1 euro. One day competition (Moscow region) – from 8500 rbl. The minimum sum of the order - 8000 rubles. |
Sonic | 2-5 | Price per kilometer one way trip (Russia) – 55 rubles. Price per kilometer two ways trip (Russia) – 35 rubles. Price per kilometer one way trip (Europe) – 1,8 euro. Price per kilometer two ways trip (Europe) – 1,1 euro. One day competition (Moscow region) – from 8500 rbl. The minimum sum of the order - 7000 rubles. |
Cavallo | 2-5 | Price per kilometer one way trip (Russia) – 55 rubles. Price per kilometer two ways trip (Russia) – 35 rubles. Price per kilometer one way trip (Europe) – 2 euro. Price per kilometer two ways trip (Europe) – 1,1 euro. One day competition (Moscow region) – from 9000 rbl. The minimum sum of the order - 8000 rubles. |
*If the one way trip or a way back are equal or less distances of trip.

The company "Rudnev TEAM" has prepared for friends the discount cards granting the right of membership in club "HorsePro. RU". Becoming the participant of the program, you receive the memory discount for transportation of horses in our company.
Bronze - the discount for transportations of 3 % from a total sum. (5-50 thousand roubles).
Silver - the discount for transportations of 5 % from a total sum. (50-150 thousand roubles).
Gold - the discount for transportations of 7 % from a total sum. (150-300 thousand roubles).
Platinum - the discount for transportations of 10 % from a total sum. (From 300 thousand roubles).
More in detail about rules of reception and use of club cards is possible to learn here.
+7 (916) 628-18-23 e-mail:
07.03.2009«Очень понравилась пунктуальность, аккуратность и профессионализм.»
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